KINGSTAR About Page : Mission, Vision, Strategy
At IntervalZero our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to the digital economy by making digital technologies more accessible and useful to companies and people.
To create PC-based machine automation software that embraces digital standards and moves machine-builders to develop controllers that can plug-n-play in the IoT and Industry 4.0 era. We believe that the first step in bridging the gap in the digital divide is to create open, standard, all-software solutions that replace proprietary, closed hardware solutions because software has the unique flexibility to share and act on information in new ways. In so doing, new, more efficient business models of the digital economy emerge for machine builders.
KINGSTAR seeks to offer the best, pre-integrated, motion control, and fieldbus (e.g. EtherCAT) framework that allows our customers to easily build a customized Windows-based machine controller that is tailored to their industries. Importantly, KingStar uses a “black box” approach and can handle all the real-time, closed-loop operations for precision and the APIs are all accessible from Microsoft Windows. Building a system is simple compared with dealing directly with an RTOS and motion cards.
Today’s powerful Windows PC and Microsoft’s Visual Studio development environment provide an ideal platform for building a complete machine controller that doesn’t require an additional stand-alone, real-time operating system, or expensive, proprietary hardware such as motion cards, DSPs, or FPGAs.
The standard PC can perform all machine control tasks and the HMI concurrently. The KINGSTAR Machine Automation Software harnesses this power while combining and pre-integrating three innovative technologies that have been available for nearly a decade:
- Real-Time Industrial Ethernet standards such as EtherCAT
- Symmetric multiprocessing-capable RTX64 software from IntervalZero that allows Windows to deliver determinism and hard real-time performance through a separate real-time scheduler
- Software-based motion control (e.g. Soft PLC & Soft Motion)