KINGSTAR Industrial IoT for Windows PC
KINGSTAR IoT Partnerships
KINGSTAR Industrial IoT for Windows PC adds IoT functionality to your machine control by capitalizing on the most open machine automation software platform.
Industry 4.0 is reshaping manufacturing. The initiative seeks to drive manufacturers and machine builders to integrate all machine automation and machine controller information. By doing so, machine builders can discover new information-based products and identify opportunities to build smarter factories capable of automatically taking corrective or optimizing actions.
Due to its flexibility, the KINGSTAR platform is often used by controller builders who want to develop innovative features, KINGSTAR has been designed in considering Industry 4.0 requirements and market feedback. Each of its components brings a new piece to the final puzzle. The Windows PC based platform is by far the best option for cloud connectivity and Industry 4.0.
Partnerships Deliver IoT Ready connectivity
- Machine to machine connectivity
- Machine to cloud (OPC UA, Modbus)
- Microsoft Azure
- Microsoft updates and security features
- Framework for data sharing and local data processing